Preserve Ku-ring-gai
Vote [1] Group C, Gordon Ward

Cr Simon Lennon

Julia Eagles
Ku-ring-gai Council elections, Saturday 14 September 2024
Voting is compulsory
Simon is a Gordon Ward councillor (since 2021).
We are accessible. We are willing to meet with you.
We listen to you and your views. We respond.
We strive to put residents in control.
Simon Lennon 0480 352 637
Simon and Julia are each on Facebook and Linked In
Please vote [1] Group C and [2] Group B
Groups C and B, headed by the two incumbent councillors, are swapping preferences
About Cr Simon Lennon
Married to Alicia since 1994, 6 children
Resident of Gordon with his family since 1997
BSc (Syd), LLB (Syd), MCom (NSW), MBA (Macq)
Corporate lawyer (retired 2021), consultant, writer
All children attended Gordon Community Preschool
All children attended Gordon East Public School
4 children attended Killara High School
All sons were in Scouts. All daughters were in Girl Guides
All sons played soccer with Gordon Soccer (Football) Club
Youngest daughter played netball with St Ives Netball Club
Son of Richard Lennon, Ku-ring-gai alderman 1974-1991, mayor for 7 years
Community Involvement
East Gordon Neighbourhood Watch, area co-ordinator, 1999-2001
Neighbourhood Watch, volunteer since 1999, media 2021-2023
2nd Gordon Scouts, trustee 2006-2010, leader 2010-2012
Gordon Community Preschool, board member, 2009
Killara High School, parent representative, hiring selection panel, 2013-2021,
parents co-ordinator Year 12, 2020 and Year 11, 2021
St John’s Anglican Church, Gordon, Anniversary Fete committee 2007-2012,
Lifeline Food Bank Drive committee 2009, sidesman since 2016
Sir Garfield Barwick Address Foundation, trustee, since 2016
Liberal Party
Member, including Young Liberals, since 1988
President, Killara branch, since 2001
The Liberal Party does not endorse candidates for Ku-ring-gai Council
Council Committees
Chairman, Active Transport Reference Committee, since 2023
Deputy chairman, Heritage Reference Committee, since 2022
Delegate, The Eryldene Trust board of directors, since 2022
Delegate, PCYC, Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai committee, since 2022
Alternate delegate, KYDS management committee, since 2022
Some of Cr Simon Lennon’s Achievements since 2021
- Retained the former Gordon Bowling Club site to be a public park, with resident consultation for a community garden and an off-leash dog area
- Retained the land around East Killara shops in community hands
- Established Dumaresq Reserve in Gordon for public recreation
- Established Active Transport Reference Committee: cycling and walking
- Expanded measures to prevent illegal tree removal
- Committed some of the funds from a potential asset sale in Lindfield to revive the Marian Street Theatre as a cultural centre
- Initiated a strategy for the provision of public restrooms in Ku-ring-gai
- Initiated spectator shade and shelter study for Ku-ring-gai sports grounds
About Julia Eagles
Resident of Gordon with her family since 1993
BSc (Joint honours, Pure Mathematics and Management Sciences, Manch)
Rotary Clubs of NSW Police Officer of the Year Awards volunteer finalist 2013
Ku-ring-gai Citizen of the Year 2014
NSW Woman of the Year Award for the Davidson electorate 2016
Member, Ku-ring-gai Neighbourhood Centre
Member, Ku-ring-gai Community Workshop ‘The Shed’
We want Ku-ring-gai Council to continue to:
- keep the land around East Killara shops free from development
- keep Gordon Golf Course in public use
- seek state and federal government, philanthropic, and public funding to revive Marian Street Theatre, Killara as a cultural centre
- maintain 4 public libraries, plus library home services
- improve our roads, paths, and parks
- expand commercially sound recycling options in waste collection
The Culture of Council
- We need conviction with compromise, not deals
- Councillors should engage with people whether they agree or disagree
- Policies, from whomever they come, matter (not personalities)
- Mayors should be even handed with councillors, without fear or favour
- Our vision remains a council of the ten, with residents in control
Curbing Development
To let Ku-ring-gai and the rest of Sydney breathe, Ku-ring-gai needs to continue:
- its legal action against the state government’s Transport Oriented Development (TOD) State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP)
- exploring means to minimise the impact of the state government’s housing demands on Ku-ring-gai, especially but not only the heritage conservation areas of Killara, Gordon, and elsewhere
- co-operating with like-minded people, bodies, and councils across New South Wales
- engaging with state and federal governments to limit housing demands
We want Ku-ring-gai Council to continue:
- preserving fine old homes in sympathetic surroundings
- preserving the character of Ku-ring-gai streets and spaces
- minimising new building heights, letting us breathe
- separating its interests as property owner from decisions as regulator
- defending residents’ interests from developer demands
- providing clarity, certainty, and openness in planning and tender requirements
- considering measures for beauty and architectural style, such as brick or stone in place of glass, steel, or concrete façades
We oppose:
- rezoning public recreational land to residential use, because people need open space nearby and children need places to play
- sales of public land or other assets to fund ordinary council operations
- demolishing council-bought homes on Dumaresq Street, Gordon except to expand Dumaresq Reserve
- council acting as property developer or taking development risk
- the race to the sky in developments across Sydney, because squeezing more and more people into a city ruins the city for everyone
Group C: Cr Simon Lennon, Julia Eagles
Authorised and printed by Cr Simon Lennon, 754 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2072 for electronic distribution